GP postpaid bill payment system is very handy and very useful to all GP customs. If you are a GP customer, you will be able to pay your bill easily via Grameenphone from your mobile. If you want to know about the postpaid bill payment system in detail, keep reading the following article carefully and patiently.
Table of Contents
GP Postpaid Bill Payment System Details
To make the clients’ life comfortable and entertaining GP has introduced a postpaid bill payment system. With the service, a GP customer will be able to pay his bill easily sitting at home from his own mobile operator.
Local Bill Payment
There are some local postpaid bill payment options. You can pay your bill through many options like Cash/ Cheque/ Demand Draft/Pay Order/ Account to Account transfer/Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network(BEFTN), ATM, auto bill pay, internet, Electronic Recharge system (Flexiload), scratch card, etc. The details of all options are revealed here.
Cash/ Cheque/ Demand Draft/Pay Order/ Account to Account transfer/Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network(BEFTN)
By Cash/ Cheque/ Demand Draft/Pay Order GP customers will be able to pay their bill in favor of Grameenphone Limited in the below banks. Besides, through Account to Account transfer/ Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network (BEFTN), GP customers also pay the bill just by maintaining the bank instructions without going to the bank.
If you want to pay the bill through the bank then follow either the Standard Chartered Bank or The City Bank Ltd bank account.
Payment details:
Bank Account Name: Grameenphone Ltd.
Bank Account Number: Considering your payment type, please choose either of the below options
- Payment for Individual mobile bill: You have to add 78 before your mobile number (i.e. 78017XXXXXXXX)
- Payment for Corporate Usage payment (bulk): You have to add 7802 before the Company Code mentioned in the Summary bill (7802XXXYYYZZZ)*
- For Startup (i.e. SIM, Modem, VTS) payment: Please add 7812 before Company Code mentioned in the Summary bill (7812XXXYYYZZZ)
Online transfer from any bank, choose any branch or any routing number of the designated bank.
- Standard Chartered Bank: Dhaka main (Routing #: 215271787)
- The City Bank: Head office (Routing #: 225261729)
2. ATM:
At present, GP customers can pay their bills via ATM. In this case, the customer needs some identification such as a bank account, ATM card & prior registration with the bank (if applicable by the bank). You can only pay your bill through an ATM card on The City Bank & Standard Chartered Bank Ltd.
3. Auto bill pay:
GP customers can pay their bills through auto bill pay. To pay the bill through the option you need to sign in a form. customers have to submit filled documents to the nearest GPC to avail of auto bill pay service.
Features of Auto Bill Pay: There are some traits of auto bill pay service. Through the auto bill pay system, bills will be cut from customers’ cards. Bills will be collected as & when required and as per the credit policy of Grameenphone.
Auto Debit Form: Here is a pdf of the auto-debit form. Auto-debit form

4. Internet:
Through the Internet, the customer will be able to pay their auto-pay bill if they have a bank account & prior registration with the bank.
5. Electronic Recharge system (Flexiload)
The customer will be able to pay the bill through electronic recharge
6. Scratch Card:
Postpaid customers can make payments through Scratch Card countrywide.
International Roaming Bill Payment
There are some auto bill pay options for GP postpaid customers. All the information related to the topic is given below. So look at the following article carefully and collect your valuable information.
Auto Bill Pay
The option “auto bill pay’ is the same for both local and international roaming bill payments. All of the options are given above.
2. Foreign Currency Account:
Through foreign currency, International Roaming customers can pay IR bills via the Foreign currency demand draft (FDD). Foreign currency account opened and maintained under Bangladesh Bank’s “GUIDELINES FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS”, Volume-1, Chapter-13, Section-1, clause-1 (i) & 4 or Chapter-14, Section-1, clause-1.
For more information about the topic click here.
That’s all about the topic. If you need more information about the topic or any topic, just inform us or visit our website. Stay connected with us for more updates. Thank you.