Hello visitors, I hope you are here for the information on college admission fee confirmation 2020 and how you do it via Teleltalk mobile operator. Yes, you are right. This article is about college admission fee confirmation by Teltalk. Here I will share with you as much information as can be. So don’t be patient; just keep reading. I hope this article will provide you all the information you need.
College Admission Fee Confirmation 2021
If you are a college, madrasah, or technical student, then this article is for you. In this article, you will know the process of payment of admission fees in college, madrasah, and technical education institute on 2020-2021 academic year by Teletalk. So not to waste time, keep reading patiently, and collect your valuable information.
All the steps are available here.
Step 1: Go to your message option and type CAD<>Board<>Roll<>year<> and send to 16222.
In this massage, the student has to write the first three letters of her own board in the board’s place and the roll no of SSC/Dakhil/Technical in place of the roll, and the passing year in the place of the year.
Step 2: If the process given in step 1 is successful, 217 Tk will be deducted, including the service charge for the application fee, and you will be sent a pin informing that. If you want to pay the fee, go to the message option and type CAD<>Yes<>pin<>contact number and send it to 16222. If the fee submission is correct, A transaction ID with an SMS confirming the fee will go in the conducted number.
To get a clear conception, keep an eye on the following images.

That’s all about the college admission fee confirmation by Teletalk. By the way, you will be able to confirm your college admission fee. I hope this will be a helpful article for all my students and they will be benefitted from it. If you have any objection to the article, inform us. To get more information visit our other pages. Thanks for visiting our webpage.