Information on the Teletalk Teletune code is available here. Teletalk Teletune is a kind of service that allows you to set your favorite sound or song as your caller tune. That means whenever someone calls you the sound you have set will be tuned to them. But first, I am warning you that music is highly prohibited in Islam. So we will not recommend setting any Teletalk Teletune that contains music. If you do we shall not bear your sin. There are so many Hamd Nat and Islamic sounds available in Teletalk Teletune. We will tell you how you can set those as your welcome tune in Teletalk.
Table of Contents
Teletalk TeleTune Code
There are different ways you can set Teletalk Teletune. You can set it via SMS or IVR or there are USSD codes that allow activating this service from your Teletalk sim. Detailed information about the Teletalk TeleTune service is available here. Here you will get all codes of TeleTalk Teletune and TeleTune activating or stopping the process. So read attentively below for Teletal Teletune information.
How To Activate TeleTune Service
To activate Teletalk Teletune service on your Teletalk SIM, you have to pay and follow a process. The details are given here below. You can activate Teletune on your Teletalk SIM following three ways: SMS, IVR, and USSD. SMS means you have to send an SMS to activate Teletune. USSD means you have to dial. Here are the details:
SMS: To set Teletalk Teletune via SMS, go to your phone’s message and type TT<Space>START and send to 5000
IVR: To set up this service via IVR you just have to tap the code and dial it. The IVR code to set Teletalk Teletune is 5000.
USSD: This is easier for me. Because you just have to dial a USSD. The USSD code to activate the Teletalk caller tune is *5000#.
Teletalk Teletune Islamic Hamd Nat
We all need music-free Islamic Hamd nat. You can set some beautiful Islamic songs as your Teletalk caller tune very easily. I’m providing some codes of some Hamd Nat. There are some codes of Teletalk Teletune Islamic hamd nat. You can set Islamic song as your Teletune by dialing the codes.
- Modinar Shishura Giyechilo By Badhon. Teletalk Code: 4751096
- Taufiq Dao Khoda Islame By Koras. Teletalk Code: 4751128
- Prithibir Sob Rong by Sumon. Teletalk Code: 4751126
Plans And Details
There are three plans for Teletalk users for the Teletalk Teletune service. One is a Monthly service whose validity is 20 days and it costs 20 Taka. Another is fortnightly packed, which a validity is 15 days and costs 12 Taka and another is 7 days pack which costs 7 Taka.
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All of these are about Teletalk Teletune-related updated information of 2021 by Teletalk SIM service providers. Come back to our website for more information about SIM providers and the SIM service in Bangladesh.