Teletalk Utility Bill Payment System

Teletalk is only a state-owned mobile operator that is controlled and monitored by the Bangladesh government. It always serves the best internet services as well as the offers to its exclusive customers. Now Teletalk introduces an amazing service by which you will be able to pay your utility bill without any pressure sitting at your home. Today I will share with you about the service. To get detailed information, keep reading the following topic carefully.

Teletalk Utility Bill Payment System

Most of the time, we are to go outside to pay our various bills like the electricity bill, gas bill, water bill, telephone bill, and so other bills. To pay the bill, we stand in a large queue and wait for a long time. Most of the time, we have to face many unpleasant problems. To get rid of the refuse, Teletalk brought the Teletalk utility bill payment system. Now read the whole article carefully and collect the information narrated here about paying all the bills easily sitting at home. So let’s get started.

REB Bill Payment System

Here I will share with you a flexible way to pay your REB bill via a USSD code. You can dial *727# and follow the following instructions. Or you can dial *727*1#.

  1. Dial *727#for the Main menu :
  1. Type 1 (for registration)
  2. Type 2 (for Bill Payment)
  3. Type 3 (for more option)

2. Dial *727*1#directly to access the subscriber registration menu:

  1. Type 1 for subscriber registration (only for getting customer ID for bill payment)
  2. Type 2 for wallet registration ( Bill Payment & to get customer ID for your own mobile number & if you do the wallet registration, Subscriber registration is not necessary for bill payment)

You will be able to pay bills a maximum of three times from one wallet account.

To know more information about the topic, click here

That’s all about the topic. If you want to get all the information about the topic, then visit the above like. Thank you.