Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM Price & Offer Package Details Information

Teletalk brought a new style of SIM named “Shotoborsho”  with more offers and services for the new subscribers. Teletalk Shotoborsho is really amazing for its enviable offers. Here you will be able to get all the information about the SIM price, and all the offers. So to get all the information about the SIM, keep reading the following text.


About Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM

Teletalk has now introduced Shotobordho SIM with lots of amazing offers. The main reason to introduce the SIM is to commemorate Bangabandhu Sheik Mojibur Rahman. All the information about the SIM is given below. If you need to get all the information about the Shotoborsho SIM just keep your eyes below.

Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM price & Offer

Teletalk came up with the “Centennial” package to increase more joy in Mujib’s centenary. The “Shotoborsho” SIM is free with a 100 taka balance on just 100 taka recharge on your new connection! To get the SIM the customer has to recharge only BDT 100. And after 100Tk recharge, the new subscriber will be offered,

Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM Call Rate Offer

Teletalk Shotoborsho has two types of call rate offers:

Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM Special Internet Offer

Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM offered lots of internet offers for new subscribers. So I have collected all the internet offers and gathered here them together.

Special Internet Offer

  • Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM offered 2 GB internet for only 17 Tk. (include all charges) and validity is 17 days.
  • To get the offer just recharge 17 Tk. or simply dial *111*17#.
  • The special internet offer can be availed once every 15 days, a maximum of twice a month.

That’s all about the topic. I hope you are pleased to have all the information about the Teletalk Shotoborsho SIM. If you need more information just visit our other website. Inform your views about the topic by comment. Thanks for all.