Robi Buddy Location Tracker Details Information

Robi is one of the leading mobile operators that has introduced “Robi Buddy,” a beneficial service for Robi users. Are you searching for information about “Robi Buddy”? If yes, then you are in the right place. Here I will share lots of information like “Robi Buddy,” how to register it, and so on. So to get more, keep an eye below.

About Robi Buddy Location Tracker

“Robi Buddy” is such a service where you will get a location tracker service. Location tracker means you will find your close one’s location to know where he/she is and any time nay place. So it is beneficial for all. Also, you will be able to get information about how to subscribe to it.

Subscription Process:

  • To subscribe to the service, type MBM and send it to 218182. If you become successful, type NA/NAME YOUR NAME, and then you will do the following.

How to add friends:

  • Add your friend, type ADD friend’s mobile number friend’s name, and send SMS to 218182.
  • You can add friends via 100 free SMS.

How to accept a friend’s request:

  • To accept friends request write Y friend’s mobile number and send to 218182.
  • On accepting your request &b allowing them to track your location, you can delete them not to be on their friend list.
  • There is no charge for accept/reject/delate.

How to find your own friend’s location:

  • To find your own friend’s location, type L and send it to 218182.


  • For registration to this auto-renewal service, you have to pay BDT 6.09 for 30 days validity.
  • Once you register for the service, you will get 100 free SMS. This is not auto-renewable.
  • After finishing the SMS’s, you have to pay a charge of BDT 0.50+VAT+SD+SC/ SMS.
Description Key Word Activation Text Example Short Code
To register into location Tracker Service Start Start MBM STARTMBM 218182
To register your name NAME NA/NAME username NA/NAME RXXX 218182
To add friend ADD ADD ADD 018xxxxxxxx
To accept a friend request Y(Accept ) Y XXXXXXXXXXX 218182
To reject a friend request N(reject) N friend’s mobile No N XXXXXXXXXXX 218182
To delate friend’s 218182number so that they can’t track you anymore DELATE( partyB) DELATE friend’s mobile number DELATE XXXXXXXXXXX 218182
To reactive location tracker service STOP STOP MBM STOPMBM 218182
To delate friend or your self LOCATE L L Robil or XXXXXXXXXXX Nabin 218182
To hide the location from users HIDE HIDE HIDE XXXXXXXXXXX 218182
To see a list of friends which I can track LIST LIST LIST 218182
To see the list of users  from I kept my self hide LIST HIDE LIST LIST HIDE 218182
To remove friends from the friend list DELATE DEL DEL XXXXXXXXXXX 218182
To know your remaining free SMS Free Free Free 218182
To get help from customer carte HELP HELP HELP 218182
To know what the services are you subscribe VIEW VIEW VIEW 218182
To contact customer care INFO INFO INFO 218182
To get help to buddy tracker service INDEX INDEX INDEX 218182

That’s all about the topic. I hope you are pleased after reading the whole article. I have collected all the information on the article from some valid sources. To get more information about the topic, inform us. Please stay connected with us to get more information.