Banglalink Toffee TV App Details Information

Banglalink is one of the fastest and renowned mobile operators that already has introduced an amazing app known as toffee app only for its exclusive customers to get more entertainment than before via this app. So most of the BL customers ask us and search for information about the app on the internet. This is why today, I will share with you all the information about the BL toffee TV app.

All About Banglalink Toffee App

Banglalink introduced the ultimate streaming app that provides you a wide range of content on your mobile. There are several TV channels and lots of exciting videos and telefilms that make you all day long, exciting, and you have a plant of options to choose them as your wish. So sing up the app and get lost in the music world.


  • All the videos and programs from the highest number of channels for free
  • Creators can sign-up as a creator on Toffee. You can sing up here. Just provide us your details, and we will reach out to you. Share your details here:
  • If you are a content creator, you will develop your own exclusive content and submit it to the platform. The content creator can generate traffic for his/her video by letting people know about it. Banglalink will pay the content creator based on how successful the contents are. The payment amount calculation process is subject to the discretion of the Banglalink team.

Referral program:

  • Referrer will receive a 512 MB bonus if any user uses his/her referral code for the first sign-in.
  • Referred users would receive a 1GB bonus with a validity of 7 days if the user acquitted the redeems code within 24 hours from the first sign-in.
  • The user can only use Toffee App with this bonus.


  • Recently, for streaming Toffee, there is no subscription fee. Users can enjoy all the content on the platform for free.

App Features:

  • TV, Movies, Drama, and Music Videos on-the-go
  • The highest number of TV channels
  • Hassle-free streaming

Thanks for visiting our website and read the article for a long time. I hope you have already got all the information that you are looking for. For more information, please stay connected with us. Stay safe.