Are you finding information about GP village phone? If yes, this is the right place for you. Most GP customers want to know about GP village phones, but they cannot get proper information due to a lack of information. This is why today, I will share with you thoroughly informed about the topic.
About GP Village Phone
The village phone is one of the best introductions introduced by GP. The service is for the poor people of villages to make them self dependent and remove poverty. For more information about the village home, keep reading the following text carefully.
Tariff for Opt-in Plan
Here I have gathered all the tariffs for the opt-in plan serially and systematically so that you will be able to get all the information easily.
Type | Call Rate |
Any Local Operator | 79 poisha/minute |
Pulse | 1 second |
SMS | 50 poisha/ SMS (within 160 characters limit) |
Tariff for Default Plan
The tariff for the default plan is available here. Just keep your eyes below and collect the following information.
Type | 12pm-4pm | 4pm-12pm |
Any Local Operator | BDT 0.49 | BDT 0.99 |
Pulse | 1 second | |
SMS | 24 hours at BDT 0.50/SMS (within 160 character space) |
- 10% Supplementary Duty (SD) + 15 % VAT inclusive of SD will be applicable for all charges + 1% surcharge on base tariff
- Dial *479*2# (free) to migrate this optional tariff plan
- Dial *479*1# (free) to migrate the default tariff plane
Here I have arranged some important questions for all my special visitors so that they will be able to gain more information about the topic.
That’s all about GP village home for you. To get more information, inform us immediately. All the information is from dependable sources so that you will be benefitted a lot. Stay safe.